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XHZD Code Tangut XHZD Pronunciation EnglishGloss ChineseGloss Corr. ChineseTreebank Term(s)
XHZD0006 khjiw a transliteration 丘(Transcription) 比丘
XHZD0008 do poison 毒、蠱
XHZD0009 śjwo to appear
XHZD0010 zji all 皆、俱、咸、普、悉
XHZD0013 zar to undergo 經、受、守、領、過、流、終、驗
XHZD0015 ɣjɨ̣ ore 琉璃 琉璃
XHZD0019 ber to meet 值、遇、遭、逄、覆、蒙、得
XHZD0020 tśja road
XHZD0027 ŋowr all 皆、(if reduplicated) 一切 一切
XHZD0046 ljij to see
XHZD0055 tśjiw top 頂禮
XHZD0080 phio snake
XHZD0083 ·we [we] dragon
XHZD0089 tśhja̱ above …上
XHZD0105 kjụ to pray; to pursue
XHZD0113 śjɨj to accomplish 成就
XHZD0152 kiẹ gold
XHZD0176 nja̱ dark
XHZD0181 hollow
XHZD0187 nar the old
XHZD0206 bu̱ victory 勝、殊
XHZD0243 sji daughter-in-law
XHZD0250 bẹ sand
XHZD0274 tśjịj [tsịj] rope 械索
XHZD0290 sju as
XHZD0303 dzjij [dźjij] to agree
XHZD0310 mu a transliteration 無(Transcription) 南無
XHZD0322 tśhjwo a modal auxiliary 方、故、然
XHZD0359 tụ thousand 百千萬億
XHZD0385 wjị can
XHZD0388 thja them 它、其、彼
XHZD0425 dwər [dwə] enemy 爭、敵
XHZD0429 njwo former times 往昔、宿世、曾 宿
XHZD0433 bju for (Instrumental sense to the following  item) 為、依、因、由
XHZD0437 lwər sutra
XHZD0448 gjɨ one
XHZD0467 tsji̱r method
XHZD0474 go to get rid of 除、退
XHZD0475 lju felt 氈、席 臥具
XHZD0490 gjị to depend on 依靠 依怙
XHZD0491 ljọ how 豈、所、乃、何
XHZD0497 ŋewr number
XHZD0502 zjɨ̱r few 少、小、稀
XHZD0508 ŋwu to be 是、對(wrong-right)、於
XHZD0535 śjij a suffix (after noun, verb, adv, supporting them)自然
XHZD0541 lju̱ dignified 莊嚴、端正(used with XHZD542)、美好 端正
XHZD0542 śjwo beautiful 美麗
XHZD0567 rjir front 前、(used with XHZD1778)面前
XHZD0582 thjij why 云何
XHZD0586 sju a transliteration 須(Transcription) 須彌
XHZD0590 zjọ longevity 壽、世
XHZD0592 ·jɨr a necklace of precious stones 瓔珞
XHZD0613 ? to refuse 拒、止、遮、制伏、禦
XHZD0616 nji to defeat 負、敗
XHZD0661 ŋjow sea
XHZD0666 dzji [dźji] to clear away 尼(Transcription) 比丘尼
XHZD0681 ·jijr to fall
XHZD0685 ŋạ good 善、好、良、美、妙、訶(Transcription)
XHZD0705 zjịj time
XHZD0720 mji̱ plentiful 治、饒(used with XHZD2337,饒益)
XHZD0721 lhjị to break 折、裂
XHZD0724 njɨ and so on
XHZD0726 djị hell 地獄 地獄
XHZD0749 phji to make 使、令、教、(modifying the precedent verb) 
XHZD0752 tśja ceremony 禮拜
XHZD0785 bju border
XHZD0795 rjɨr an adverb 所 (continuous sense)
XHZD0797 phji scheme 無盡意
XHZD0824 tśhjɨ immediately 立即、遂
XHZD0830 kjĩ a transliteration 緊(Transcription) 緊那羅
XHZD0837 lja̱ praise 偈、頌
XHZD0856 mər origin 根本、根源
XHZD0860 kwər body
XHZD0902 zjɨr [źjɨr] solid 真實
XHZD0925 khwa̱ to curse
XHZD0929 dźjij pure 純、精、不混雜
XHZD0930 dju to have
XHZD0932 ·ji many 夷(Transcription) 優婆夷
XHZD0945 tshjạ angry
XHZD0960 mjịj woman
XHZD0966 khjɨ ten thousand 百千萬億
XHZD0968 rjur all
XHZD0981 war wealth 物、財、貨
XHZD1012 zjịj how many; some 眾、群
XHZD1017 ljow a little
XHZD1040 śja ten
XHZD1045 dạ speech
XHZD1051 du̱ to crawl 耨(Transcription) 阿耨多羅
XHZD1064 mjij not yet 未、將
XHZD1068 ljɨ to fall
XHZD1079 ljɨ̣j sweet
XHZD1084 ɣạ ten 六十二
XHZD1085 zji man
XHZD1101 ·jij will 將、臨、欲
XHZD1107 ŋwə heaven
XHZD1111 bjịj dangerous
XHZD1117 dju̱ to argue 訟、諍
XHZD1120 njɨ̱ annoyance 煩惱
XHZD1136 gu middle
XHZD1139 ·jij a possessive adverb; towards 之、人、對、(stressing obj)
XHZD1160 ka to separate
XHZD1183 dạ matter 事、任
XHZD1196 śjwo to drive away 驅逐
XHZD1207 dzjar to extinguish
XHZD1223 phjo̱ gentle; to join 合、和
XHZD1225 ·wju̱ [wju̱] sad
XHZD1245 ·jij self 自在天
XHZD1258 tow a surname 多(Transcription) 阿耨多羅
XHZD1259 tśiow to gather
XHZD1262 zjị [źjị] vexed 苦惱
XHZD1274 ·wo [wo] should
XHZD1275 ror dirt
XHZD1278 ·jɨ [jɨ] to say 謂、云、說、曰、白
XHZD1279 ·jɨ [jɨ] to say 為、云、說、曰、白
XHZD1290 tsew limitation 限、量
XHZD1326 kjɨ an auxiliary word with several meanings 已、所、雖、將、(助)、何、多
XHZD1338 dzu to love
XHZD1355 tjij chapter
XHZD1357 ŋwer to equate 等同 等等
XHZD1364 ŋa hollow 空虛 虛空
XHZD1374 tśhjɨ this
XHZD1399 tśju̱ [tśju] to envy; to harm 害、傷
XHZD1427 phji to lose 比(Transcription) 比丘
XHZD1473 su a preposition 如、於、勝、可
XHZD1483 njij kind
XHZD1498 ·wjị [wjị] to change 變、示、佯、裝
XHZD1526 tshji to wait upon 侍、奉、事、夫
XHZD1531 gja army 天大將軍
XHZD1542 ku so 則、故
XHZD1546 ljụ body
XHZD1567 gji son
XHZD1582 gjịj profit
XHZD1586 ɣiẹ sound 觀世音
XHZD1599 rjir to get
XHZD1602 ŋowr whole 俱、全 妙相具
XHZD1605 ·jɨj [jɨj] prison
XHZD1606 sju livestock 牲、畜 畜生
XHZD1617 kjir to dare
XHZD1634 rer jade necklace 瓔珞
XHZD1638 gji clear 清淨
XHZD1640 dzjịj to cross 渡、過、超
XHZD1659 lew white 車璩
XHZD1734 tji a prefix representing no 不、莫、休、無(negativising the precedent)
XHZD1737 ka even; together 平、等、齊、俱
XHZD1771 sjịj wisdom 智慧
XHZD1778 ·ju [ju] front 前、(used with XHZD567)面前
XHZD1799 廿 thu to free oneself 解、脫
XHZD1830 pjụ respect 世尊
XHZD1844 ·jiw an old-fashioned long narrow table or desk 優(Transcription) 優婆塞
XHZD1887 kjij insect
XHZD1906 nio̱w a conjunction 後、及、又、并、更、外、逐、之、已、必
XHZD1910 tjɨ̣j ceremony 禮、閤、法、儀、式
XHZD1918 mji not 無盡意
XHZD1921 se to tighten 塞(Transcription) 優婆塞
XHZD1946 to think of
XHZD1986 djọ to build 修造
XHZD1987 śia sand 沙(Transcription) 毘沙門
XHZD2019 thja this
XHZD2047 mji̱ to hand out
XHZD2052 xiwã a transliteration 梵(Transcription) 梵王
XHZD2064 wor to raise
XHZD2082 ·jɨr [jɨr] to ask
XHZD2090 lew must
XHZD2098 ŋa I
XHZD2104 śji before 先、昔、前
XHZD2132 ·jiw [jiw] achievement 成就 成就
XHZD2133 rejr [lhejr] respect 恭敬
XHZD2135 ·ji̱j [ji̱j] to hold
XHZD2141 khwụ to blow
XHZD2162 bie to unite 解脫
XHZD2171 tha to force
XHZD2178 khjã enemy 恆(Transcription) 恒河
XHZD2194 mjij not 無、非、不
XHZD2205 ljɨ̱r [ljɨr] four 四衆
XHZD2226 we to do 為、是、成
XHZD2242 tśjwiw amber 虎珀
XHZD2302 ljɨ wind
XHZD2316 djij ever 曾、嘗
XHZD2337 ɣie benefit
XHZD2341 tśier benefit 利、寵、方 (used with XHZD5346 = 方便) 方便
XHZD2342 ljo good fortune
XHZD2364 se̱w [sew] to survey 測、察、思
XHZD2381 bjịj man of wealth 富(翁) 長者
XHZD2384 mjijr prime minister 宰官
XHZD2392 sjwɨj (Buddhist) effect 業、(used with XHZD5604)業力
XHZD2396 dzu̱ seat; sit
XHZD2444 ŋjir [ŋjĩ] disaster 災難
XHZD2449 be the sun 日,太陽
XHZD2466 lhjwɨ abrupt 驟、暴、疾
XHZD2467 wjạ flower 花、華 蓮華
XHZD2474 rar to flow 流、漏、過
XHZD2484 nio̱w cause 因緣
XHZD2491 na night
XHZD2501 śiwə coral 珊瑚
XHZD2513 ·ju frequent
XHZD2518 nji̱j heart 一心
XHZD2536 ·wjij [wjij] a modal auxiliary  (before verb)願、能、應、以
XHZD2539 kjạ to fear 畏懼
XHZD2541 dzjwo person
XHZD2544 śjɨj sage
XHZD2546 njạ god 執金剛
XHZD2563 mej hair
XHZD2569 tśjɨ̣ to encircle 圍繞 圍遶
XHZD2583 nji pearl 馬瑙
XHZD2590 ·wjɨ [wjɨ] a prefix means something is already done (before verb) 所、已、從、且、於、過、要、猶
XHZD2596 pjụ power
XHZD2618 rjir a hundred million 百千萬億
XHZD2620 njwi can
XHZD2627 ljɨ̣ land 持地
XHZD2628 go̱r man
XHZD2636 ne̱w good
XHZD2639 mji̱j name
XHZD2640 pho thin 波、婆、摩、訶(Transcription) 娑婆
XHZD2670 so man 娑(Transcription) 娑婆
XHZD2679 njɨ to arrive; towards 普/至 普門
XHZD2689 ljɨ amber 虎珀
XHZD2724 tśhju to have; all 衆生
XHZD2725 ·wiọ [·wio] circle 圍、圓、周 圍遶
XHZD2726 nia̱ colored glaze 琉璃 琉璃
XHZD2738 djɨ̣j cloud
XHZD2748 tśhja morals
XHZD2776 gju̱ to rescue
XHZD2782 khji gas
XHZD2798 ·jir [jir] hundred 百千萬億
XHZD2815 khu to tribute
XHZD2827 phej to tie 梱、縛
XHZD2833 djɨj quiet; calm 安定
XHZD2852 tha Buddha
XHZD2857 ŋo illness
XHZD2858 zjir long 長、遍
XHZD2912 lhjwo to return 退、還、歸 迴去
XHZD2915 no rib 那(Transcription) 緊那羅
XHZD2920 zjɨ̣ [źjɨ̣] left side
XHZD2923 phji dustpan 毘(Transcription) 毘沙門
XHZD2932 lẹj avarice
XHZD2937 lhjịj country 國、土
XHZD2939 zjịj to hit 著、中
XHZD2952 lwow absurd; wearing out (used with XHZD1068) 妄、枉、虛、墮落 (used with XHZD1068) 唐捐
XHZD2962 dźjij [dźi] tooth
XHZD2967 sar to spread 迴去
XHZD2983 ·u inner
XHZD2984 pjụ measure
XHZD2997 djị to sink
XHZD3003 ·ju [ju] ghost
XHZD3027 hụ [kụ] lining 答、裏
XHZD3053 gju to cross 渡、度
XHZD3057 zju [źju] fish
XHZD3058 zjɨ̱r water
XHZD3070 dzjwɨ̣ boat 船、舫
XHZD3075 sji limit 無盡意
XHZD3098 djɨj to stop
XHZD3099 dźji̱j to live 在、留
XHZD3101 ·jị to repeat
XHZD3111 mjijr [mjịjr] god 通、靈、應、神 神通
XHZD3119 ·ji many 寶珠
XHZD3126 dźjij to have 有、(if reduplicated) 所有
XHZD3133 sjij this morning; today
XHZD3159 lhjịj [lhjij] to bear (a burden)
XHZD3162 xọ calamity 災難
XHZD3175 tjị to return; sincere 一心
XHZD3180 zjịj upright 正直
XHZD3194 lhə full 滿足、充、備 具足妙相
XHZD3200 tśhjiw six 六十二
XHZD3211 sjo to say 云何
XHZD3228 thjo̱ beautiful
XHZD3234 phə man of wealth (富)翁 長者
XHZD3266 dzju host 在、主、將
XHZD3274 na a surname 南(Transcription) 南無
XHZD3294 me̱ able and virtuous people
XHZD3310 ·wạ [wạ] vast 巍巍
XHZD3316 ·jiw cause 因緣
XHZD3349 ljijr [lijr] direction
XHZD3354 ɣie power
XHZD3357 kiẹj to desire
XHZD3379 xew a kind of grass 睺(Transcription) 摩睺羅伽
XHZD3412 mjiw a transliteration 藐(Transcription) 三藐三菩提
XHZD3419 bju̱ to revere 敬、恭 瞻仰
XHZD3424 le fear
XHZD3431 dzjụ rain
XHZD3433 djɨj shallow
XHZD3442 dzjwɨ̣ [dzjwɨ] respect 恭敬
XHZD3456 lja to fall 來、降
XHZD3485 lạ hand
XHZD3490 khiwə coral 珊瑚
XHZD3501 ·jiw doubt
XHZD3508 bji prime minister 宰官
XHZD3513 sky 自在天
XHZD3551 niow evil
XHZD3572 ŋwo silver
XHZD3574 tsjij to know; bodhi 悟、明、菩提 菩薩
XHZD3575 nji to listen 聽、聞
XHZD3583 tja affix (stressing subj) (after verb, Adj, Num) 者、以、之、乃、則、(stressing subj)
XHZD3589 dzjɨj time
XHZD3603 thọ section
XHZD3606 ·ju̱ to see 瞻仰 瞻仰
XHZD3611 tser to cure 醫藥
XHZD3612 tsə̣ medicated plaster 醫藥
XHZD3613 dwewr to enlighten 辟支佛
XHZD3640 tha to rely on 闥(Transcription) 乾闥婆
XHZD3642 tshjwu lightning
XHZD3665 lhjạ lightning
XHZD3667 tśhia fork 剎(Transcription) 羅刹
XHZD3668 ljị to plant 種、植、結
XHZD3678 to to be born
XHZD3688 gjwɨr to lie down 臥具
XHZD3699 do poison
XHZD3706 kjọ [rjijr] an auxiliary word 願、仰
XHZD3721 歿 pagoda
XHZD3735 tjị to hope 願、誓
XHZD3740 kie commandment
XHZD3753 kow government official
XHZD3757 dzjiw wooden handcuffs 梏(手銬)
XHZD3798 tsəj small 小王
XHZD3807 ·jij light 夜(Transcription) 夜叉
XHZD3818 mjijr an auxiliary word 者、(代)人也、(after Noun/Adj./Verb) a person involved in the matter
XHZD3826 tśjɨ̱r [tśjɨr] to twine; to wind; to tie up 纏、縛
XHZD3830 njij king 梵王
XHZD3836 thjij to extricate 解脫
XHZD3844 dźjịj to go
XHZD3852 dźjij to go
XHZD3916 sji tool 具(after Verb, indicates an instrument (noun) with which an action should be carried out)、因(reason)、(之)用
XHZD3926 nja you
XHZD3934 kiwej TRUE 珍寶
XHZD3936 pha half
XHZD3979 wẹ foolish
XHZD3984 sã a transliteration 三(Transcription) 三藐三菩提
XHZD3990 khjɨ foot
XHZD4003 khja [kha] to draw (water) 汲、伽、叉(Transcription) 夜叉
XHZD4008 phia̱ to divide
XHZD4010 śju fetters 鐐、桎
XHZD4027 njɨ̱ two 六十二
XHZD4028 nji you
XHZD4030 gju̱ snake
XHZD4032 mur hail
XHZD4037 tsa village 薩(Transcription) 菩薩
XHZD4048 lju a unit of weight
XHZD4161 ljụ to flow
XHZD4179 dzjịj boat 船、舟
XHZD4184 śja to appear
XHZD4200 dzow to be imprisoned
XHZD4225 sja to kill
XHZD4250 sji tree
XHZD4269 tśhjij to hold
XHZD4342 dja an adv showing tendency towards something (before verb) 已、所、而,(showing tendency)
XHZD4343 rejr [lhejr] canon
XHZD4348 lew building 樓(Transcription) 迦樓羅
XHZD4401 zow to hold 執、持、計、守
XHZD4408 mə̱ fire
XHZD4444 ljɨ̣ a conjunction means “and” 及、雖、與
XHZD4451 ·wạ [wạ] to win
XHZD4457 tha [thạ] big
XHZD4478 ta to flee
XHZD4481 śjɨ to go towards
XHZD4485 tshwew to give alms 施、趣、向、去
XHZD4502 śjɨ curtain 釋(Transcription) 帝釋
XHZD4506 lu to burn
XHZD4507 śio to guide 將、引導
XHZD4508 tjị to eat 飲食
XHZD4513 dzji to drink 飲食
XHZD4541 ·a [a] a transliteration 阿(Transcription) 阿修羅
XHZD4554 foolish
XHZD4573 bji light
XHZD4574 mjɨ he
XHZD4575 mo shame 摩(Transcription) 摩睺羅伽
XHZD4587 ·io̱w [io̱w] contribution
XHZD4600 ŋwụ to oath
XHZD4601 nja an auxiliary word 使、令、當、被(疑問)
XHZD4602 ·jar eight 八萬四千
XHZD4607 zər dew
XHZD4620 kja how about 迦(Transcription) 迦樓羅
XHZD4625 mji̱j below 下、末、尾、(if reduplicated)漸漸
XHZD4628 dwər to burn
XHZD4663 lha to extinguish 熄、滅 滅除
XHZD4683 to all 皆、悉、盡、總
XHZD4684 mej eyes
XHZD4693 na deep 深、玄
XHZD4707 dźiəj pond
XHZD4710 lo a transliteration 羅(Transcription) 羅刹
XHZD4713 rjur world 觀世音
XHZD4719 kiẹj boundary 世界
XHZD4729 lhwu clothing 衣服 衣服
XHZD4735 dźja sharp 執金剛
XHZD4737 ma to apply 摩(Transcription) 摩訶薩
XHZD4740 kja rob; festival 刧、節
XHZD4751 sej clean 清靜 蓮華
XHZD4794 mẽ door 門(Transcription) 毘沙門
XHZD4841 djij an auxiliary word 當、願、令
XHZD4861 zjọ time
XHZD4871 ŋər hill
XHZD4882 zjɨr [źjɨr] wisdom 智慧
XHZD4884 nji an auxiliary word 且、(After verb, Second person pronoun)、人、(plural sense) 人、尼(Transcription)
XHZD4887 tshwew to support 供養 供養
XHZD4895 ljwịj neck; cangue scaffold 頸、枷
XHZD4906 gjwi to dress
XHZD4950 rjir and 與、相、跟、同
XHZD4978 tjij if
XHZD4995 śjow iron
XHZD5026 mji to listen 聽、彌(Transcription)
XHZD5029 kwow anger
XHZD5030 ɣiwej to receive
XHZD5037 bjɨr knife
XHZD5057 ɣiej TRUE 眞珠
XHZD5110 khjã [khja] a transliteration 乾(Transcription) 乾闥婆
XHZD5113 ·wji [wji] to do 做、作、為、與 使
XHZD5120 swew bright
XHZD5140 nji̱j pearl 車璩
XHZD5148 dźjị [dźjar] fault 罪、過
XHZD5154 khjwɨ prison
XHZD5163 dźjow to separate 分離
XHZD5165 twụ place; each
XHZD5170 ·wạ [wạ] shoulder
XHZD5171 full 滿 滿
XHZD5176 dźjo̱w [dźio̱w] can 堪、勝、能、可
XHZD5179 dji̱ thunder
XHZD5205 ɣạ sword 劍、戟
XHZD5250 da̱ to tour
XHZD5258 ·iọ [iọ] round 園、圓、、圍、院、國、堂、郭、方、蓋、凡、家
XHZD5285 ljɨ one; discourse particle 也、矣、一、獨、(叠字)一一
XHZD5300 tjɨ if
XHZD5303 ·wjị [wjị] monkey 猴、申、晡、獸
XHZD5306 dzjwɨ emperor 帝釋
XHZD5319 tjɨj the sun 提(Transcription) 三藐三菩提
XHZD5324 khio̱ to open eyes
XHZD5336 du to prohibit 沉、陷
XHZD5345 śjow kind
XHZD5346 ·ju [ju] to seek 搜尋、尋找 方便
XHZD5354 thjɨ this
XHZD5356 tjịj only 獨、一 辟支佛
XHZD5370 pjạ palm
XHZD5377 ŋwo to damage
XHZD5391 sew piebald 修(Transcription) 阿修羅
XHZD5407 du pagoda
XHZD5414 rejr many
XHZD5417 rjar immediate 立即
XHZD5422 dzjị claw 指爪
XHZD5435 we̱ to give birth
XHZD5447 do a suffix; located in… (After noun, pronoun, phrase) 於…處
XHZD5449 tjị to set up 置、放、設、安、扣
XHZD5481 bo cane
XHZD5498 ·jij appearance
XHZD5523 rjar to permit 允許
XHZD5525 zjɨ̣ children 童男
XHZD5528 bar drum
XHZD5566 tśjị bitter 苦惱
XHZD5572 dzju livestock 牲、畜 畜生
XHZD5576 kjɨ̱ spotted 馬瑙
XHZD5578 nwə to herd 牧、治
XHZD5591 lhjị to bear (a burden) 承受
XHZD5593 bio̱ to look 觀世音
XHZD5598 gjwi clothing 衣服 衣服
XHZD5604 dźjɨ skill 藝、業、行、(when put after noun, pronoun, with XHZD5113) indicating the actor of an action. 使
XHZD5612 tshji̱j [tshjij] to speak
XHZD5643 mjɨ not
XHZD5645 tjị the place where something happen
XHZD5655 ljɨ̣ treasure
XHZD5670 ·o to hang 在、附着
XHZD5675 ljwịj to hate
XHZD5685 po to report 菩(Transcription) 菩薩
XHZD5688 wa [xwa] how
XHZD5689 ɣa door 普門
XHZD5692 swew to shine
XHZD5694 ljɨ̱ to do 做、辦、能
XHZD5771 tshwew to salute 禮拜
XHZD5815 tsjɨ also 亦、小、尚、復
XHZD5817 kjwɨ̱r [kjwir] to steal
XHZD5834 lej to change
XHZD5856 ɣa a preposition (after the modifier) 於、上、中、下、而、(time modifier)
XHZD5865 sọ three 三千
XHZD5870 tshjɨ̱ call 讀、誦
XHZD5875 źji to sell and buy
XHZD5878 biẹj a unit of measurement 枚、厘、條、枝、株
XHZD5880 ŋwu by; with 以…
XHZD5906 tshjɨ [ɲia] Bodhisattva 菩薩
XHZD5911 khwa far 遠、久、遐
XHZD5918 sjɨ to die
XHZD5932 kind 種種
XHZD5944 ljo̱r flame
XHZD5981 ·a one 一、(before verb) 上方、(before verb) 已進行(盡然) 、疑問、助語
XHZD5993 kha centre 中、間